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i'm a country girl doing everything backwards....

Saturday, August 06, 2005


What a night I had!
I was up all night with my 9 month old son. He is teething so he's not sleeping well right now.
I'm not working right now so my old man thinks he can sleep and do whatever he wants when he wants and not help out with the baby. (Grrrrrrr) And that just does not go over well with me. But any who to get to the point.... I was thinking since it is a Friday night and he does not work weekends and when he got off work at 5pm he came home and slept from 6pm till about 10pm he would get up with our son. So I could rest knowing I did not fell well at all.
So right around 4am woke up and was crying his little heart out and I asked him to get up. Just as I knew he would he rolled over, pulled the pillow over his head and growned "I worked all day What did you you" Then I blew the Fu*k up. I told him that I may not have a paying job. However, taking care our son 24hrs a day washing your cloths,cleaning your house,cooking you dinner, and doing whatever else has to be done that day I have a full time job that never ends. I don't get a d ay off. I just don't know what came over me to think he would be a man and take care of his son for a little while so I could rest!
I just don't know what to do any more. I'm 19 going on 20 and I have a 9 month old baby, and a 24 year old son. We live pay check to pay check we always are broke and I never get time to myself our get to off and do anything. My friends say they wish they were in my shoes and how the want a baby and a good man to take care of them and the envy me. If they only knew the heart ache that comes with being a 19 year old mother with a worthless old man. And a life that I did not want right now. I'm to young


Blogger Lindsey said...

Try not to get too down on yourself Kate...everything will work out in the's just "the getting there" that's hard. If nothing else...I can get the boys to beat the snot out of C.
Stay strong little sister.

7:24 PM  

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