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Location: Conyers, Georgia, United States

i'm a country girl doing everything backwards....

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Linny wrote about me skipping school Monday. So hear is my story about it.

For as long as I can remember I have always had trouble in school. I was not like all the other kids. It took me a little longer to learn things. So there for I was not in to school at all. I did not care if I past my classes or if I would graduate. The only reason I went to school is because my mother and father made me.
But when I got older, I came to relies that I needed to go to school in order for me to go to law school. So I tried my best! I worked harder, stayed after school for help, did more work to try to bring my grades up so I would pass that year. No matter how hard I tried, nothing ever worked.

I was in work study so I got out of school at 12pm on some days and 1pm other days. I worked at "Up the Creek Fish Camp and grill". I worked Sunday threw Thursday from 3pm too 10:30pm. On Friday and Saturday 3pm till 11:30pm. Then for a while I was working at subway on my too days off from 3pm till 12pm then I would go home and sleep and do it all over again! I was tired and all I did was go. I was trying to save money so I could go to law school...( well not law school. I wanted to be a paralegal.<-Don't know how to spell that)

My 11th grade year my teacher came up too me and asked me to come to her office when I got a chance. So when I went during lunch that day. When I walked in her and a couple of my other teachers were there also. They sate me down and gave me the story on how I was not going to grad. form high school. They told me that I would walk with my class but I would not be a grad. I would just have a Cer. of attendants (don't know how to spell those two). We talk for a long while about other things. Then they told me that I would still have to take my GED after high school. I was so no no I was not upset, I was way past upset!
I asked them why I would have to take my GED when I was working harder then anyone and was doing x-tra work to try and bring up my grade. I did not understand why this was happening to me. I worked so hard and did my best to pass my classes. I seen all my dreams go up in smoke!!!
So I just left school that day.. I did not go back after that day other then to turn in my books.
I was not about to stay in school when that peace of paper I was going to get was going to mean nothing to any other school that I wanted attend. I said fuck it, I'm just going to take my GED now and not deal with this any more.

To be continued....

If I missed spelled anything....Sorry


Blogger berly02 said...

Hurry up with the rest of the story. I have to know what happened next!

9:05 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

lol berly i will powt it Wed.

10:07 AM  
Blogger Lindsey said... weren't working at Subway until you were like 17. I know b/c I was taking classes at Perimeter at that time.

When are you planning to do the GED thing? I told you I'd help you study for it...don't put it off. You could have this done right after the first of the year.

10:13 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

i was yo working at subway.....the one on west ave.. you can ask any body! everyone came up there after i closed the store and was cleaning up..i was going out with mike j. at the time.

i'm just going to take the teat. the worst that can happen is that i wount pass it. then i will know i will need to take the classes.
the first test is on dec.5 i need to study

10:18 AM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

I know you were working at Subway...I visited you after class. The point I was making was that it wasn't while you were a sophmore or Junior in school like your blog says. It was when you were about 17.

You need to study for the test first..even if you just get the book. Get everything you need together and I'll helpyou study.

10:33 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

are you shure linny?
hell i duno anything any more.

the only thing i have is the math book. that is what i really need to work on. wear is a book store that would have a book on the ged?
would the one in old town have it!
well i dont think there even there any more.

11:24 AM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Don't Morgan and Crystal still have theirs? If not...Mom and Dad did say they'd pay for it before...I'm sure they'll do it now.

11:29 AM  
Blogger Drywall Mom said...

I hated school. I was the same way. It definately didn't stop me from persuing my dreams. Don't let those stupid standardized tests and the rest of the US tell you that school is so important that it is going to tell you who and who you are not. My husband didn't even finish school and I'm not going to even tell you how much our company pulls in a year b/c you probably wouldn't beleive me if I told you or the statistics for our company in five years. So yes, school is important for certain jobs, but don't let it over come you to where you wont do what you want to do that makes you happy.

1:58 PM  
Blogger Courtney O. said...

You hang in there, Katie. It sucks in the short run to study for the GED, but it'll be so worth it in the long run...

4:36 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

crystal gave me the math book. but that was all they had.
mom and pop said they would pay for the test. i asked her the other day.

i wont let it, but i have to work on somethings first so it may take me a little longer.

i'm trying.......yes it will be worth it in the long run.

5:40 PM  
Blogger Px said...

hell i'll help
i did 2 years of a maths teaching degree...taught lots of different people lots of different things...i'm different so i used to teach differently

5:48 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

i'll take all the help i can get

6:27 PM  
Blogger Drywall Mom said...

Another thing that you can do is go by books on what you like doing from the colleges or bookstores and read them on your own time so that when you get to that point, you will be able to learn alot more and understand it easier and it won't take up as much time since you have already heard the information.

6:28 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

that is a great idea, thanks.

6:31 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

That was a good idea Drywall. Kate...sorry about beign short on the phone...was a bit upset about my friend's cancer news. Let Px help w/ the math b/c I'm hopeless with that. However, you need to mention to mom and dad that you'd seriously like to go for this and they'll buy the books. We need to get on it soon before you change your mind. :0)

9:17 PM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

I hated school too... So I dropped out and joined the army. It didn't take me long to realize school was a far better place since nobody was shooting at me there...

I got my GED then went on later to get my BS.

I'm glad to hear you're getting your GED. You won't be sorry.

10:44 PM  
Blogger Px said...

do it...use me :)
iot will help me take my mind off things as well

3:47 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

its ok....and i will talk to mom and pops about it...i'm not going to change my mind.

yeai would have rather been in school then have people shooting at me.

ok i will use

8:02 AM  

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