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Location: Conyers, Georgia, United States

i'm a country girl doing everything backwards....

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Well I fell like an ass..Kinda!

Well yesterday I was at home by myself and I went to get on the computer and I found that Chris did not sign off the net. So he was still on yahoo mail.....So I took a look at what he had been doing.

Don't think that I'm one of the girls that looks for something to be wrong or snoop around. A while back I found out that he was on the net giving out his # to girls and planning to meet up with them. He was also on this site and talking to girls.
So it's not like I don't have a reason to not trust him on here. I can't help cause of what he did . I have a big trust problem with him now.

So when I saw that he did not sign off. I clicked on Log off. But you have to click it twice to get off his name. But I wanted to look and make myself feel better cause he was not doing anything. So I was looking at his mail and seeing who he was talking to. Then I saw this girls name, so I clicked on it. There was a pick off him that he took from his Phone in our bathroom when I was at home and sent it to this girl threw his phone and did not say a word to me. That is what pissed me off about it. If he would have said something to me about it then I don't think I would have been that pissed. Plush why does he wont to send a pic of him to her? Why does she need it and why does he want her to have it? That's what was going threw my head.

Then I found another e-mail to this other girl. It said " hey why did you get off" "call me if you get back on" Then had his cell # on there. Then I was hot, I don't think I could tell you how upset I was with what I had found. If Chris had walked in that door right then I would have fucking broke his damn nose and god only knows what more I would have done.

So I took Colby to Linny's and when I got back I talked to Chris about it. He was like "baby I'm not doing anything I promise." I was like I have it right here, how can you site there and lie to my damn face like that? So then he pulls out his cell and calls someone. So I'm thinking what the fuck, we are talking about something and he is going to up and call some one. Then he ha


Blogger Lucy Stern said...

I have always heard that when someone "forgets" to sign off that they want to get caught. I hope nothing is going on for your sake and for your children...Good luck.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

that still doesn't explain the picture Kate. It was to a totally different girl.

did Colby go to sleep yet?

3:55 PM  
Blogger Princess Pessimism said...

UGH....someone in my life did the same thing. They gave me their password to their email, and said, if you ever are doubtful, go check. So one day, I did, and found LOADS of incriminating stuff, that he ssaid things like "love you..." and "love your and his name"

They were extremely flirtatious emails, and when I confronted him, he FREAKED out....I havent trusted him since.

5:55 PM  
Blogger Katie said...


yes i know it does not. but he said he did it. and thats about it about that. and i'm still pissy about that.

see guys think they can covers there tracks. but little do they know hu?
i dont blam you 4 not truting him. i'm the same way now.

7:02 PM  
Blogger berly02 said...

It seems like he isn't even trying to hide it, or at least not very well. That could mean one of two things from my experience.
The men we love . . . .

9:21 PM  
Blogger Drywall Mom said...

I hope he can work it out with you and see why he is doing this. My husband and I don't use chat rooms b/c of this situation. If you don't put yourself their in the first place, then you don't have to worry about the tempations. If you have had problems with him in this situation before give him an ultimatum to not visit those sites and watch the history button on your computer to make sure he isn't going there.

9:45 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

But WHY did he do the picture?

You never did tell me what time Colby laid down once you got him home... I bet he was fussy yesterday!

9:06 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

I know it does...Just dont want to think about it.

Well it is all worked out. Well for the most part. I don't think i really won't to know. But he made it clear that he is not looking for some1 other then me. He say's that it is his way of fucking with people. I think that is bull shit.

I dont know why he did the pic..he could not give me a reason...He just said he was sorry....I duno

Colby did not go to sleep till like 1pm. He was not going to slow down for nothing!

11:59 AM  
Blogger Px said...

i ain't going to defend the bloke
he's digging his own hole
and i'm not going to offer him an excuse for it
people make decisions all day everyday, they choose what they want to do
if they choose the wrong thing then it's their fault

12:56 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

thank you and i am with you on that..its his on damn fault...

1:49 PM  
Blogger Princess Pessimism said...

You know, I just read the title of your blog...why does that make you feel like an ass? He's the one whos being all shouldnt feel anything but "What the fuck!!!"

9:01 AM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

I blidsided my ex-wife like that... I found her doing this same shit. So I found out what dating site she was going on, posted a bogus ad... And she answered it. Needlest to say, she thought she was meeting some hot cowboy...

She almost shit when I showed up at her meeting place insted of the studly cowboy...

9:29 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

i do but then i don't. i was like what the fuck when i found it. but now i'm just pissy. but i'm over it now and we worked it out.

the first time i found him doing it. i did the same thing. but i could not wait that long. i got him to send me his # then i was done. little to say i don't trust him now. he is geting it back a little at a time.

10:13 AM  
Blogger Px said...

certainly sounds like he's being a numpty
i only could read about half your post though

1:56 PM  
Blogger honkeie said...

I am sooo not going togo here, but a little advise for the and duck run and duck!

4:04 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

lol..he better

4:23 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

i'm still lol about your comment. i think it is because i will beat his ass and he knows

9:33 PM  
Blogger honkeie said...

I have been in similiar situation but have gotten wiser about my on line life lol. But I dont do anything worthty of a I said I have beeeennnnn there!
A sign of intellegence is learning from the past and not repeating it lol.

1:46 PM  
Blogger Katie said...


4:15 PM  

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