Another thing I don't understand is why men feel like they have to hide there porn....
I'm not a big fan of porn, I don't like the fact that he looks at it cause that makes me think there is something wrong with me. I know that's dumb but that is just me. However, I don't care if he has porn movies and what not, but don't hide it from me. That is when I get mad. I don't like people hiding things from me. I has one or two that I know about and he knows that I don't care if he has them but just don't do it with me around!
I was getting ready for bed Tuesday night when I found some that he tried to hide from me. I was not looking for anything. I was just fixing the sheets when I found 4 porn movies under the bed. Then I wanted to know why he was hiding them from me. I don't know if I should say something to him about them or just wait to see if he says anything about them cause they are gone. It's not that big of a deal I just don't like people hiding stuff from me.
Kt Mae
I'm not a big fan of porn, I don't like the fact that he looks at it cause that makes me think there is something wrong with me. I know that's dumb but that is just me. However, I don't care if he has porn movies and what not, but don't hide it from me. That is when I get mad. I don't like people hiding things from me. I has one or two that I know about and he knows that I don't care if he has them but just don't do it with me around!
I was getting ready for bed Tuesday night when I found some that he tried to hide from me. I was not looking for anything. I was just fixing the sheets when I found 4 porn movies under the bed. Then I wanted to know why he was hiding them from me. I don't know if I should say something to him about them or just wait to see if he says anything about them cause they are gone. It's not that big of a deal I just don't like people hiding stuff from me.
Kt Mae
If your issue really has to do with the fact that he is hiding stuff and not about the porn, then ask him why he hides THINGS from you. Otherwise, if you say why did you hide the PORN then he will automatically think only of the porn and not the hiding from you issue.
Under the bed?
I didn't know people still kept things there.
its not so much the porn its the he was trying to hid it from me. i think i might ask him about it.
lol..yes under the bed...lol
i did not think people still did put things there..shows you how much i know...or maybe thats why he put it there!?
Kate...porn is not a big deal. It has NOTHING to do with you. It's a man thing...they all have it. Porn is fine unless it gets to a point where he's obsessed w/ it and neglects your relationship. (I doubt this will happen.) As far as hiding it goes...I don't see what the big deal is. Who cares? do you really want to see it?
I wouldn't bother addressing it b/c it's just going to come off making you look insecure.
If you do address it...Use Berly's method.
from a man's point of view...
all men have some somewhere, usually hidden.
now the hiding bit probably stems from hiding it from mother, and seeing as you're now the alpha-female in his life now, he's probably worried that you'll be disappointed in him for having it.
my girl is great, she wants to know where mine is so she can sit and watch it with me lol!
i don't care about the porn to much..i just dont like the fact that he tryed to hiding to from me.
He know i dont care if he has porn. Hell he has a couple Girl gone wild taps in with all our other movies. We watch them sometime cause I find some things they do very funny. lol
I just dont like to think that people hide stuff from me. I dont know why i'm like that, but i am.
like i said, it's probably a mother complex...hiding his porn from her
or maybe he's just a little ashamed and doesn't want you to know about it
yea, i think your right px
men our weird when it come down to things like that..well not all men but most of them.
This man doesn't have porn. But I don't blame y'all for disliking having things hidden from ya.
a man with out porn is very odd..lol..if you don't hide things from me i really don't care what you do!
thanks for stoping by my blog..
Concerning the mouse you asked about, he went to college, studied acting and opened up a couple of theme parks with his mistress Mini. And Florida has been cursed ever since. :-)
You're worse than me. Why haven't you been posting lately?
I wrapped up your trunk today...hope you don't absolutely hate it. If you do, I kept the receipt. I also took the batteries out of the rocking horse I bought for Colby...the freakin thing would have driven you crazy in less than five minutes.
lol....thats funny
sorry i have been busy
and i love my trunk by the way...colbys horse is criving me crazy by the way...but he loves it now
How is his horse driving you crazy? Did you turn the sound back on?
I did for a little while. I don't know why i did but i did. but it is turned off for good now..
did I tell you what the people behinde gave us?
Well here is the story...
She just had a little boy last sunday. but a couple of days be4 that she came over and went threw all colbys baby cloths. She took 3 trash bags full of baby cloths home with her.
Then on Christmas Eve BJ her husband told me they had a gift for us. I was like ok. Its just going to be something little not to much. Then they both came over monday night and gave me a card and a gift card to
FOGO DE CHAO. Its in buckhead off Piedmont Road somewear. I the gift card is worth $122 dollars. I was like holy shit bate man! LOL
Oh my gosh! That was really nice. A couple of those Buckhead Life restaurants will let you buy a gift certificate for 1/2 off if you do it online. Like they possibly could have paid $61 and got a $122 card. Either way...it was very generous and nice. Especially considering they just had a baby.
I don't know if that is what they did or not. but yea it was nice of them.
If he is going to have movies, at least let him watch them with you, some people are into that so maybe it could be a way for being more open.
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