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Location: Conyers, Georgia, United States

i'm a country girl doing everything backwards....

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Crazy for GAS

Today I learned that gas is going to be hard to come by today and in the future for a while.
I was in ATL when we heard about it then my phone was going crazy cause people were calling me to tell me to get gas while I can.

We left the ZOO and sat in traffic cause any place that had gas had cars lined up 4 or 5 cars deep!!
We got home and I went to get gas at the store by my house and it was $5.99 a gallon. So I drove to East F. & 138 and paid $3.29 a gallon. There were people yelling at one anything, fighting. The older lady that worked there was trying to clam everyone down and trying to help people find a pump. It is sad how people act when it comes to times like these.

Bush says its going to be like this for a while and he is not going by the rules when it come to the fuel. He said just get it in the pumps. He also said that he is bringing in ships in New O. to help with everything that they can and later on in the week in is going to visit there to see it for him self.


Blogger Lindsey said...

Ha ha ha ha...I tagged you, I tagged you. Visit my blog to find out how little sister.

Oh and excuse me but nowhere in your post did you mention that your WONDERFUL big sister was the one who was THOUGHTFUL enough to call you and make sure you got gas.

8:36 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

thanks linny,
its going to takes me a while to do that.

and yes you did i'm sorry! will you ever 4give me?

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:15 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

ha got blogger spammedD!!!!

Kate...if you turn on your word verification under your "comments" setting, it should stop that.

3:20 PM  

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