Take it one day at a time

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Location: Conyers, Georgia, United States

i'm a country girl doing everything backwards....

Friday, June 30, 2006

I have nothing

I have nothing to write about today other then...Well nothing

Linny said I need a to do a new post. I have nothing to talk about other then what I did this week.

For the people who do not want to know what I did for the past week please stop hear:

-Saturday night I stayed with Patti and stayed up to late talking.
-Sunday we went shoppen all day long and it was great. Sunday night I stayed with Crystal and my brother cause she has the week off and I don't see her much any more.
-Monday Crystal and I went to Linnys house and watched a movie and eat pizza. Well Linny and Crystal got to watch to the movie cause Colby was driving me CRAZY! He was a butt the whole damn day. Ask Linny about it, I don'tknow what his deal was.
-Tuesday Linny, Crystal Colby and I went to the Yellow River Game Ranch. Colby had a blast and so did Linny. LOL Her eyes were so bright when the dear came up to you. She was like a little Child. LOL
Later on Crystal and I went to her aunts house to talk about the wedding stuff that I'm sick of dealing with. Then went back to Crystal's house for the night.
-Wed Crystal and I did nothing till about 12. We took Colby to the park and let him play for a while then took him to DQ for some ice cream.
Later that day I went home and went to bed.
-Thursday I cleaned all day and played with Colby.
-Today I have to clean a little and then I'm doing nothing!

So there you go Linny.
I covered the whole week! LOL - HA

Have a great weekend every1
Kt Mae

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My new tattoo<-(sp)

Well I have new going on other then I got a tattoo this past Saturday.
Me and Chris were bored and drove by a tattoo place called Good Clean Fun. We looked at one another and said what the hell!
It only took 20min. to do it but good it did not fell good. I could deal with it but not much longer. The outline is what hurt the most and when he got right on the bone.
I played pack-man on my phone to keep my mind off the pain. I'm a wimp, I don't like any kind of pain and I really don't like needles.
LOL...But now I want another one! LOL

Hope everyone has a good day.
Kt Mae

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Poor baby

This weekend has been a long and hard one for the little man.

Saturday I was playing with him and he fell and chipped a tooth.

Sunday he was over at patties house and fell and broke his wrist. He has a little cast on now, but he only has to wear it for three weeks not six.

He likes the cast for the most part. He has a hard time drinking his juice and picking up different things. However, he now knows that he can knock the crap out of stuff with it and it does not hurt. LOL
There are little dents in it from wear it had not dried all the way and he banged it on something.

Other then my little man having a bad weekend and people thinking I beat the crap out of him I'm doing good.
We might be able to move back to Conyers in a few months or so.. It's a long story I will write about it later.
Have a good night everyone
Love, Kt Mae

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

What's that

I got this from Honkeie.
I just had to do it!