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Location: Conyers, Georgia, United States

i'm a country girl doing everything backwards....

Friday, April 28, 2006

Moven on up to the east side......and so on

Well I found out today that I will be moven to peachtree city in two weeks. Chris got a job offer with the same company to be the boss man and have his own property(sp). Which mean he will have a $2 to $2.50 dollar more a houre and we will have a 3 bedroom town house free as in no rent. Which is something we can not turn down. We need the money and not paying rent means we can pay off some bills and get a house.

I'm happy that Chris got this, it is good for him cause he is moving up.
However, I have never lived more then 20 or 30mins from my family and friends. It's only about an houre or so away but that is to fare to drive a couple of times a week and I don't like to drive as it is. So it is not fare away at all, but I don't want to leave my friends and family.

My bestfriend Crystal I have known her for about 13 or 14yrs now and she will be getting married to my brother Morgan in sep. She is not all happy about this. She does not want to me to move aways cause we will not see each other as much. Which is true but right now we only see one another once or twice a week. So it wont be much different from how we are now. She just does not wont to drive that fare to come see me. Cause she lives about an houre fron us now and it will take her 2hrs to get to my house.

My sister Lindsey (Linny) said she would come up there to see me and so did a few other people. Butthere are them few people that are mad about it.
I don't know why it sucks but they should be happy for us cause we are moven up in the

Well I got to go...Have a great day.
Kt Mae


Blogger Courtney O. said...

cue music: "Well we're movin' on up...movin' on the east side..."
LOL - congrats on the promotion!!!

3:16 PM  
Blogger berly02 said...

Moving up means you often have to leave loved ones.
But I'm happy for you guys. Its gonna be great to be able to pay off some debt!

4:44 PM  
Blogger Katie said...


ye it does and i dont like it..
it will be great to pay off some debt!

6:53 PM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

The one reason I'm now finally doing the thing I really want in the world, work on the railroad is for years I did everything that was'expected' of me as not to upset friends and family.

If I had listened to my heart a long time ago instead of what everyone else thought I'd have been an engineer years ago instead of trying to get my foot in the door at 40.

Do what YOU need to do for YOU and Colby and no one else. Stop trying to please everyone else and think of your future. That's the most important thing really, isn't it?

Why continue to live in debt and struggling every week just so you don't piss off your friends?

6:53 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

you are right..i need to do whats best for colby and i...

i have always tryed to please everyone...even if i stayed..some1 one would be unhappy...
damn if life not a
thanks tim i needed some1 to tell me that!

7:17 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

People actually got mad? That just shows their own insecurities.

7:29 PM  
Blogger honkeie said...

Well I am glad for you, move on up and be happy. If they are not happy for u then they are just jealous. If you dont move up, there is only one other way to go.....and I am sure you dont want to go that route.

1:14 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

i know they are...

thanks and i dont want to go the other soute....

10:59 AM  

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