Take it one day at a time

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Location: Conyers, Georgia, United States

i'm a country girl doing everything backwards....

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Crazy for GAS

Today I learned that gas is going to be hard to come by today and in the future for a while.
I was in ATL when we heard about it then my phone was going crazy cause people were calling me to tell me to get gas while I can.

We left the ZOO and sat in traffic cause any place that had gas had cars lined up 4 or 5 cars deep!!
We got home and I went to get gas at the store by my house and it was $5.99 a gallon. So I drove to East F. & 138 and paid $3.29 a gallon. There were people yelling at one anything, fighting. The older lady that worked there was trying to clam everyone down and trying to help people find a pump. It is sad how people act when it comes to times like these.

Bush says its going to be like this for a while and he is not going by the rules when it come to the fuel. He said just get it in the pumps. He also said that he is bringing in ships in New O. to help with everything that they can and later on in the week in is going to visit there to see it for him self.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

People piss me off. Thats all I got to say!!!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Non driven fools

Well I took a lady that lives next door to me to a couple a places this morning. She cant drive she got in a real bad car reck a couple months ago.
But any who...
I wanted to reach out and smack the crap out of a lot of this drivers. They cant drive to save there lives. Here are just some of the things that I seen today.

1. The lady in front of me slammed on her brakes just cause the guy that's about 4 of 5 cars away touched his.

2. People that go under the speed limit piss me off. This lady was going I would say about 35mph when the speed limit is 50mph!!!

3. People from out of state that don't know wear in the hell they are so they drive 10mph and hit the brakes every 2 Sec..

4. I watched a truck hit a car cause the car just pulled right out in front of him and proceeded to go 20mph like the guy was not even there.

I just came home cause I was to the point that I was going to nuts!!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005


My cell phone has been not working right for the last couple of days. I have a Verizon LG and it is my 6th one in about 18 months. It was the phone not me, that is why they gave me a new phone every time.
I went up there this morning at 12 cause that's is when they open and I went in and told them what the prob was. He tells me it is water damage. I looked at him like he was fucking crazy. I don't go out and don't do anything for it to get messed up like that. I told him that and he says "well miss I'm sorry but I cant help you the only thing you can do at this point is buy a new one". Then I was pist so I let in to him a little bit. Then I felt better...

So I went to look at phones, not to buy one I was just looking cause I had nothing better to do at this time. Another guy that works there comes up to me and says "hi can I help you find something". I was like no I'm just looking cause the other guy told me I'm out of luck. So to make a long story shorter. He gave me another opion. I'm not the main line on that A-count, so there was not much I could do. But he told me that Chris could upgrade to another phone and I could have his old one. It would not cost a thing and I would have a phone that works. So I called Chris and he came up there and we decided to do it cause we do not have the money to get me a new one and I cant go with out a phone cause we don't have a house phone ect... So he got a brand new 2005 bad ass phone that does all kinds of things and I got stuck with him old beat up phone.

All I wont to know is how did I get screwed in this deal?

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Things people do!!!!

Has way to much time on his hands!!

Just a dumbass!!
She was smoken something!!
Not so smart drivers!!

My little man is getting big

Colby is going to One on November 4, 2004
I dont want him to get bigger, i mean I do but then I dont if ya know what I mean. I want him to get to the age wear he can walk and talk and then just stop. I will be happy with him being that way 4ever. LOL
It seams like just yesterday that I had him and he is just growing so fast. Sometims I think that I wont hold him as much as I should and that I'm going to mess him up. That probley sounds funny but thats what goes threw my head. I just can't beleave how fast he is growing!!

Friday, August 26, 2005

No Baby night!!!!!

Thankgod it's Friday... My sister is taking Colby for the night and
I'm free...LOL
We are going out to Wild Bills tonight to watch Brad P. play. And it's my friends 21 birthday Monday so we are going out tonight.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Getting older

That whole growing up thing is way over rated!!!

I have just had a baby a while back and 2 other friends of mine had a baby 3 weeks ago, and two other girls are prego now.
Three Friends of mine got married not to long ago and two more of my friends are getting married next year.
It seems like just yesterday that we were all going out every night and haven a good time with not a care in the world other then what we going to do when we went out.
Sometimes I just wish we could go back to the way we were back in the day. We were always out haven fun doing things when we wanted to and what not. Did not have to worry about going to work the next day and paying the rent and other bills haven a baby to worry about. Don't get me wrong I like being out on my own and starting my own family and things like that. But I just miss the good old days when we were all still young and haven fun.

But I would not change anything in the world now that I have it all. Well let me take that back...I would change the way my old man acts and his look on things...UGH...LOL

Monday, August 22, 2005


Well I have been trying for about an hour to get that clock on my page and I finely did. But now I have come to relies that the time is off by a couple of hour's and I just can't seem to fix it.

I'm also trying to get pic next to my name on there and I cant seem to do that. I think I'm going to throw my computer out the window. Then that would solve my problem but start a whole new one also. I will never win....UGH...LOL

Always Dada and never mama

My son is now 9 months old and he will be 10 months old on the 4th of Sep. His first word was Dada and then it was mama. I so happy when he did say mama because I'm the one that takes care of his little but every day and night.
He has now come to the point to wear everything is Dada and not mama. It's Dada this and Dada that all day. Which its ok cause it is sweet. But at the end of the day I'm want to hear mama once or twice. the only time he says mama is when he is crying or wants me to hold he when he is crying! That drives me up the wall!

My sister came over the other day and was playing with him and he kept saying Dada over and over. She said I want to hear mama. So she starts saying mama over and over to try to get him to do it. And what did that little terd do. He shock his head no every time she said it. LOL Then she said Dada just to see what he would do and he smiled and starts saying it over and over. He is a little terd when it comes to someone wanting him to say mama!!!

I would also like to say Colby took his first steps Sat. Aug .20, 2005. He was not holding on to anything at all. He just stood up and took three little baby steps. He is getting so big it maks me wish he would just stop sometimes. And other times I wish he would just hurry the hell up..LOL
He will be one in two months and a few days. :'(

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Short Weekend

I don't know if it is just me but I think this weekend has gone by very fast. It seems like Friday was just yesterday but it wasn't. Monday is only around the corner to another long week. Man I wish weekends would go by slower.
We also have a new cat. It has been around our house for about three weeks now and it has not went home and no one that I know of is looking for him. So one day I was outside and he came up to me and I picked him up and now he is mine... The Vet told us he is around 5 months old so he is still a baby. But yes now we have a cat named Kitty. We cant think of anything and that what we have been calling him since we first saw him.

Well I would love to stay and write but I have to take Colby over to his grandma's house for the day. While I get to go lay sod all damn day in the heat!! But hey working one day and get paid $200 dollars I'm all for it...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Better days to come

I have now come to relies that I need to think about me first every now and then. Thanks to a couple of friends of mine.
My son will always be first on my list but for one day I am going to go out and leave the baby with his day weather he likes it or night. I'm stressed out and need time alone and with my friends. I need to be around some people other then my 9 month old son.
I talk to Chris Tuesday night and I told him that me and all my girlfriends are going out Thursday night for a while and I '
m going. And that I am going out Sat. or Sun. for a while also. He told me no or I better talk Colby with me and I said I'm not asking you I'm telling you and you can watch your son for once in your life. (Grrrrrr)
I'm putting my damn foot down.....
We are all moved now and just got our $3grand worth of a
bed here yesterday. I can't believe we spent $3grand on a fucking bed and frame. But it is real big and nice. He He It has 5in of that foam stuff in it and has a 10 year warranty on it.

Like to say thanks to you...I just needed someone to tell that for some reason..You know who you are!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Good news

I just found out that we are moving. That is great, cause this place we are now is way to small for two people and a baby to live in. I just can't wait till we are out of here.
The bad news is that I get to pack the hole house up. That blows big time.!!!

Monday, August 08, 2005


Well it was just another same old Monday. Even knowing I have not been working for about 3 weeks now. Mondays still come with that same old feeling.
I had a long and never ending day. I did not think this day was ever going to be over with. Colby was upset all day for some reason and I just felt like crap. I just can't wait to goback to work. I have to find a job to wear I can pay the bills and a baby sitter and have some money left over. Not doing so good finding one. If anyone knows of one let me know.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Today I'm not sure on what to write. I'm bored and have nothing to do but be lazy while my better half (ha ha) is out on his bike.

Can anyone tell me why kids will play with anything but what you want them to play with. His Grandma Ayers just got him a new toy. It's one of those things that he can hold on to while standing and it helps him learn how to walk and makes whole hell of a lot of nose. So he way's doing good playing with it and trying to walk and all that good stuff. Then he spotted a sock in the room and dropped to the floor and crawled as fast as he could to the damn sock. He played with that sock for an hour!! I just don't understand why he was more happy with a damn sock then that 25$ toy! Kids these day's...DAMN..LOL

Saturday, August 06, 2005


What a night I had!
I was up all night with my 9 month old son. He is teething so he's not sleeping well right now.
I'm not working right now so my old man thinks he can sleep and do whatever he wants when he wants and not help out with the baby. (Grrrrrrr) And that just does not go over well with me. But any who to get to the point.... I was thinking since it is a Friday night and he does not work weekends and when he got off work at 5pm he came home and slept from 6pm till about 10pm he would get up with our son. So I could rest knowing I did not fell well at all.
So right around 4am woke up and was crying his little heart out and I asked him to get up. Just as I knew he would he rolled over, pulled the pillow over his head and growned "I worked all day What did you you" Then I blew the Fu*k up. I told him that I may not have a paying job. However, taking care our son 24hrs a day washing your cloths,cleaning your house,cooking you dinner, and doing whatever else has to be done that day I have a full time job that never ends. I don't get a d ay off. I just don't know what came over me to think he would be a man and take care of his son for a little while so I could rest!
I just don't know what to do any more. I'm 19 going on 20 and I have a 9 month old baby, and a 24 year old son. We live pay check to pay check we always are broke and I never get time to myself our get to off and do anything. My friends say they wish they were in my shoes and how the want a baby and a good man to take care of them and the envy me. If they only knew the heart ache that comes with being a 19 year old mother with a worthless old man. And a life that I did not want right now. I'm to young